Hero MUX Wiki
Sentry meets the Cuckoos and two Asgardians
Rplog-icon Who: Thor, Sif, The Cuckoos, Sentry
Where: Lower Manhattan, New York City
When: 4:30 PM
Tone: Heroic
What: CLOC informs Sentry of a situation brewing in Lower Manhattan. The Cuckoos are nearly attacked by some agents, but Sentry arrives within moments and stops the attack before it ever begins. Thor and Sif are nearby and misconstrue Sentry's rescue as an attack against the humans, and there is nearly a conflict between the two.

Shopping. It's a necessity of life. In this case, the girls are
laundering some of the new, sequential bills that got in caught up in
the haul from the Gotham bank. They're at an art gallery, of all
things. It's a bit pricey but the security cameras are strategically
placed so as not to compromise the privacy of the buyers. They've been
courting this gallery for a while now and it's worth it. All they need
to do is purchase some likely works for themselves and then put each
into an auction... where they'll make sure at least three people fall
in love with it. Once they have clean money, they can slip some more
to Bruce to buy supplies for the medical clinic

They leave the gallery significantly poorer, with the paintings bought
and shipping arranged. It's a beautiful day, they're in a lovely mood,
arguing gently about what to do next.

|"Let's look at houses."| Having a real home is still a pipe dream,
but... |"There's a brownstone for sale."| |"The one we passed on the
way to leave money for that nice lady with all the cats?"| |"Let's get
a cat."| |"We can't have a cat, we're always on the move."| |"We'll
get a cat carrier!"| They burble along blissfully, hidden from most
eyes, dreaming about things like cats and kitchens, when something
pricks at their awareness.

The jolt of abject terror that they throw out is purely instinctive.
They're unaware of the targets of the deception until after it's
happened. Somewhere, in the back of their complex gestalt, they caught
drifting thoughts of a Weapon Program and images of Laura's face.

Civillians are fleeing in all directions, into the street, into
stores, clawing to dive into the safety of the nearest cab. Four
completely innocuous looking men stand alone--half a block apart from
each other--in the empty space left by everyone with a working mind
trying to escape the vicinity.


Sentry stands quietly before a bare, thick metal door. A door that
looks like it leads into a gigantic safe or vault of some kind. He
stares lifelessly at it, at least, until the resonating voice of his
computer bounces through the empty halls. "What's the source?"




Sentry was already heading towards the center of the Watchtower at
this point, to what he called the 'takeoff' room. Once in the rather
small chamber, he voices out a clear command. "Unseal flight hatch."
A dual-sided metal hatch rotates and contracts, revealing an opening
approximately nine feet in diameter. With a blinding blur and trailing
golden light, the Sentry darts through the opening which automatically
closes behind him. Within seconds, he is on the scene...

In a brilliant flash enormous light that could probably be seen
briefly from orbit, the Sentry appears standing in the evacuated space
between the four agents and the triplets, huge cape billowing freely
behind him. The light subsides, and soon more than his outline can be
seen. He stands there at his fully erect height, his eyes glowing a
vibrant gold color. This gives the agents pause, but they do not seem
to be paused long, drawing silenced weapons and pointing them at the
blonde-haired hero. But in the seconds it took them to draw weapons
and orient them towards him, there is another blinding strobe of
light, along with an audible -WHOOSH-, like a strong gust of wind upon
your ear....

And the Sentry doesn't appear to have moved at all, but the strange
looks on the faces of the agents betray everything... as well as the
fact that their weapons have all almost completely melted in their
hands, forcing them to drop the superheated weapons instantaneously
and make abrupt cries of pain.

It's been a rather pleasant day for the Asgardians. Hand in hand, the
pair walk down the streets. Yes, they are in their armor. Because
Thor's used to or not caring of the stares that may come with the ren
faire couple out and about on the Manhattan sidewalks.

When the screams go out, Thor's head lifts. When the WHOOSH is heard,
the Thunderer slides his hand from Sif's and when the cries of pain
ring out, Midgard's Protector launches himself from the ground,
Mjolnir in hand, straight for Sentry. Because smashing things with his
hammer almost always works.

"Make thy fight with me, strange being," Thor taunts, seeking to draw
Sentry's attention from the umans to himself. "For these mortal art no
match for thee!" His words, heard by all, is heard in whatever the
native, most comfortable language, of the listener, voice booming with
thunderous power.

There wasn't much that could both Sif today. She's had a wonderful day
so far. Those looks? Not even noticed. Or perhaps just ignored. Who
knows which. The Goddess is rather relaxed, all things considered.

When the screams start though, Sif immedately loosens her grip of
Thor's hand as he pulls away and nods. She'll be right behind him. In
the blink of an eye, Sif appears in the center of the commotion, eyes
scanning the area and assessing the situation as she tries to figure
out what triggered the mess and how to end it quickly before anyone is

As suddenly as they panicked, the girls freeze, still wrapped in their
illusion that hides them from most mortal--or at least close to
mortal--eyes. They step back against a building and watch, clinging to
each other. Even in the chaos, curiosity overwhelms them--Sentry,
whatever it is, must be understood.

|"What is it?"| |"Useful."| |"Broken."| There's a brief struggle of
wills. |"Leave it."| |"No, we want it."| |"We could help it."| For the
moment, they hold their ground and watch.

Even though his eyes glow a brilliant gold, one would not have
difficulty seeing conflicted emotions upon the stranger's face. The
agents cradle their hands and arms to their bodies, curling up on the
ground. He looks up to take note of these newcomers, clad in armor,
not like the 4 whom he had just dispatched. They weren't even
mentioned by CLOC. He studies them closely.

"Fighting me would not be a good idea, outsider! Not for you, or the
entire city of New York." His troubled emotions do not take away from
a stern visage that bores straight into Thor and Sif. "Yes, I can tell
you are not from this world! That much is obvious." He studies the
hammer intently for a moment, and then casts his gaze over to the
girls. Whether or not he could see them, or even hear them, is unknown
as he swiftly turns his head back to Thor. "Do not make me use my
powers! It will unleash a terrible thing upon the world. Something you
cannot comprehend!"

"Bringing this fight to Midgard was not the wise idea, stranger," Thor
replies to Sentry, blue eyes turning electric as the hammer in his
hand crackles to life. This relic he points at Sentry.

"There is no quarrel between us if thou would leave, and leave now;
for if thou seeks to unleash a terrible thing upon my Midgard, thou
would find me a terrible enemy indeed," states the Prince, hovering in
the air before Sentry, over the heads of the mortals. His cape
flutters behind him, his helmet gleaming in the sunlight.

The girls scan both of the heroes facing off and easily decide whose
side they're on--the really interesting one. Thor? Sadly, not smart
enough. His overwhelming sense of righteousness and this 'protect
Midgard' intention he radiates puts them on edge. After all, they were
created to protect humanity... for some value of human that excluded
people like them. Authority is never to be trusted. Also, he didn't
disarm the agents.

Speaking of the agents... |"Remove their memories of this moment,"|
the gestalt demands of itself. |"Remove all their intent to do harm."|
|"Make them innocent again."|

They focus on the agents' minds--these were sent to find Laura, who
has no telepathic power, so they carry no defense, no training. With
great care, they share their sense of horror at the Weapon programs
and a deep desire to go forth and do no more harm to any innocent,
especially those targeted by the programs. It's not all terrible--they
take away the pain of the injuries and lend the men enough will to
struggle to their feet and creep away.

The Golden Guardian shakes his head, long blonde hair swaying this way
and that. "No! You don't get it! I came to help! I do not seek to harm
anyone!" He looks to the molten weapons and he slowly starts to
ascend, cape billowing slightly behind him as his eyes glow even
brighter. "I may have already done too much..."

In what seems like an instant, the Sentry is merely inches away from
Thor. "You don't get it! I have to be careful. He is locked in the
vault but... but...." His eyes avert from Thor and he looks needlessly
towards the ground. ".... he could get out! Anything I do he will
match a thousandfold. For one life I save he would take hundreds." His
gaze is intensified and he looks back at Thor. "And YOU would have me
unleash that upon Earth! The billions that would be.... NO!" He slowly
starts to levitate away. "I must take my leave. You'll not get your
fight from me, outsider."

Thor's head tilts as the man is suddenly in his face. The fervor in
the man's voice, that worry and concern. Thor's eyes unfocus for a
moment, sensing... there is no harm to Midgard.

As Sentry begins to levitate away, Thor floats up to follow. His left
hand reaches out, hoping to clasp the man's elbow. In his right hand,
Mjolnir lowers.

"Peace, friend. My apologies that I mistook thee and thine intents. I
would have no such dangers released upon Midgard. If thou requires
assistance, thou hath only summon me, Thor the Odinson, and I shall
answer thee," says the Asgardian.

On the ground, Sif watches the exchange between the two men who float
above them. She knows Thor and from his body language, she knows the
other isn't a threat. What, then, caused the panic that drew them both
to this part of town? And who harmed those that were hurt? Whatever's
going on isn't sitting well with Sif and it's easy to read in body
language as she turns her attention on scanning the area around her

The girls watch the exchange with caution, now that their enemies are
creeping away. |"We will have to go carefully with that one if we want
it for ourselves,"| they muse as Sentry retreats. |"And we would know
what he fears."| |"In time."| They are patient, if nothing else, able
to build plans over years... and that was when they were only
children. |"And the other?"| |"Strong but too simple."| |"We require
flexibility of mind."|

The blonde-haired hero does not turn, even as Thor grabs for him. With
the massive blue cape trailing behind him, he slowly begins to build
speed as he ascends. An aftertrace of gold-hued light follows him.
Slowly he comes to a stop, turning slowly in place to look upon the
others below. "Thor... God of Thunder...." He speaks the words matter
of factly, his gaze switching between him and Sif, even further below.
".... not from here." He turns his gaze upon the girls now, as if
confirming the earlier notion that he knew they were there. Concern
immediately plagues his face and he begins to radiate deeply with that
golden glow. It grows, stretching from him in a sphere, the brightness
intensifying as if a sun had broke orbit and aimed to collide with
Earth... but immediately, the light is gone, and so is Sentry.
