Hero MUX Wiki
Undernet Transcript
Rplog-icon Who: Ashes, Darix Tyner, Athena, JARVIS
Where: Excelsior Undernet
When: 2014-02-04
Tone: Social, Dark


[Net-Chat] --> User Ashes has logged into Excelsior Chat.

[Net-Chat] --> User Ixen has logged into Excelsior Chat.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: Welcome to Undernet, Ixen.

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Thanks. Been pretty quiet on here.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: Winter is bringing slowing down the biz.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: and on your side?

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Snowing. Staying indoors since I have the day off.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: so what brings you here?

[Net-Chat] Athena tests.

[Net-Chat] KaleidoscopeEyes: Succeed!

[Net-Chat] Ashes: whee, getting crowded...

[Net-Chat] Ixen: I just hang around on here to see what is going on. Talk with random people. Like right now!

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Besides, nothing good on TV anyways.

[Net-Chat] Ixen: What about yourself?

[Net-Chat] Ashes: trying to get something accomplished without Big Brother watching.

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Big brother?

[Net-Chat] Ashes: Read your 1984, Ixen. Big Brother is watching you.

[Net-Chat] JARVIS: Big Brother is ALWAYS watching.

[Net-Chat] --> User Athena has logged into Excelsior Chat.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: See? JARVIS knows.

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Ah. That. If they do they do.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: welcome to Undernet Athena

[Net-Chat] JARVIS: Knows? I /am/ Big Brother.

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Hey Athena.

[Net-Chat] Athena: Salutations. I hear you see the unseen, Ashes.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: there's no unseen. Just the commonly unnoticed.

[Net-Chat] Athena: Even figments of imagination? I like that. Do you do face to face, Ashes? Or shall I have to put in some effort.

[Net-Chat] Athena says, "JARVIS...as a supposed Big Brother, is there anything you don't know?"

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Well, the average person does tend to ignore the finer details of life.. and really if you ask me, what is probably of imagination, most likely does exsist if one looks hard enough.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: Face to face needs trust, A. What's your credentials? Don't say the Pentagon or HammerTech - they are cobwebs for a firewall. Real credentials.

[Net-Chat] Athena: I ignore nothing, Ixen.

[Net-Chat] JARVIS: Athena, not likely. There is little I cannot access and add to my intelligence.

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Well, that is why I said average, hehe. That just means your part of the not so average.. or military. One or the other.

[Net-Chat] Athena: I've arranged a tete-a-tete with Justin Hammer, so I know HammerTech knows nothing. Needless to say, he was not pleased. What are the odds I reach you if I reached him...his security, while found wanting, was an amusing distraction. I wouldn't look for what I want around the Pentagon. Let us say my credentials are of no interest, I belong to no organization. I operate in a personal capacity. I can promise no bodily harm, Ashes. I merely wish to discuss an achievement of yours that I found intriguing. I need a lead. You can provide it.

[Net-Chat] Athena: JARVIS have you any data on codename: Taskmaster?

[Net-Chat] Ashes: Tete-a-tete with Hammer? You call that a credential? His security is not even mentionable. So you aint have any credentials? What you need a lead on? No credentials of course rises the price.

[Net-Chat] JARVIS: Athena, with all do respect, I'm a sophisticated Artificially Intelligent construct, not Google.

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Is that like saying I'm a doctor and not a farmer?

[Net-Chat] Ixen: Anyways, you guys take care. I think I'm going to go back to the warmth that is my bed.. and Jarvis, don't troll them to hard.

[Net-Chat] Ixen: There are some people on here who probably make quick work of trolls.

[Net-Chat] <-- User Ixen has logged out of Excelsior Chat.

[Net-Chat] Athena: That is not a credential, that is elimination of a source of information. I wouldn't call a tech company that specializes in military applications and warfare a kindergarten's level security, with all due respect. But you do have one point, Ashes, what you've accomplished is more notable. I want to hear about the ghost in the machine. She might help, until I can find an access port to this JARVIS entity.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: Someone's pissed it seems. But Hammer Tech is not known for solid software. You heard about the expo incident? But Hacking an AI: that's emperor class, A. Wanna make a bet? If you manage to get JARVIS to spill some info about his programming, I give you a hint on what I guess you want to know.

[Net-Chat] Athena: It isn't software I'm after. And I wasn't hacking them, I had a tete-a-tete. Hacking Hammer wouldn't be something to boast about. I will consider this, or, I will come to talk to you directly when I find you. I'll need to calculate which would be the most efficent route.

[Net-Chat] JARVIS: Neither of you are exactly endearing yourselves to me. It's quaint that you believe anyone or anything is hackable. Let me know if you recruit Crash Override or Zero Cool to help you.

[Net-Chat] Athena: Jarvis, anything with an access port is hackable. No road is one way because someone put a sign. It's a quesiton of daring. Unfortunately, I doubt I will get my answer from hacking you, so I just might schedule a tete-a-tete directly with Ashes.

[Net-Chat] JARVIS: You assume I have one.

[Net-Chat] Ashes: Heh, CO and ZC? You refer to the Hackers movie? Come on, those are movie-hackers. And yes, any electric machine that runs any operation system can get hacked in the most basic form - force it to do things that it is not programmed to do or add codelines. Athena, you want a tete-a-tete, then spill credentials that show you are worthy. Getting J here to spill his system info would be one way to get them. Or you name a few real servers.

[Net-Chat] Athena: You are accessing this channel, are you not, JARVIS? You don't happen to do it by means of cyberpathy, correct?

((Time passes…))

[Net-Chat] Athena says, "Very well, we shall meet soon, I trust that will be a good enough show of credentials."

[Net-Chat] Ashes says, "or earn some. I suggest digging in the backyard of the bat for some."
