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Ask the Professor
Rplog-icon Who: Charles Xavier, Cir-El
Where: New Salem, Westchester County
When: 09/30/2015
Tone: Social
What: Cir-El chats with Professor X about her problem

Mia is wearing her glasses and carefully dials the number of the school. She was there once to see Professor Xavier, but did not know at the time it was anything but a normal school. The number is still on her phone, in case she ever needed telepathic deprogramming again. This time, however, Kaydin had mentioned the school to her, it seems like a place where she might get some help with her problem. She dials the phone and waits for an answer.

The phone is answered after only a few rings. "Good Afternoon; Charles Xavier speaking."

Cir-El is just as glad Xavier answered personally, it might have taken time and embarrassing explaining otherwise, "Professor, it is Mia Kent. I am having a little problem recently...not anything to do with my memory though. My friend Kaydin mentioned in passing something about your school though."

"Why Mia, how nice to hear from you again! Your memory has been stable, then? Splendid. Yes, Kaydin does stop by on occasion, what is it that's been causing you trouble?"

"I am not sure how much you know about Krytponians," Mia says. "Kryptonians have a variety of powers at pretty high power levels. I have lacked a few powers from the normal array, though I have never been certain if that was because I am young, or if I simply did not have the genes for some of them, having less than half the Kryptonian gene code. Something that happened recently seems to have partially awakened my latent vision powers, but I am having control issues."

Charles Xavier nods. "I see..perhaps we should arrange a meeting and you can tell me what brought this change in your powers about in more detail? As it happens I have some time at the moment, but I'm afraid the school is..undergoing repairs and is not as fit for guests as I would prefer."

Charles Xavier replies, "There's a coffee shop my students speak very highly of along the interstate, if you would find that agreeable?" he relays the address, if so.

Cir-el replies, "I am sure I can find it."

Charles Xavier 's smile is audible, and he answers, "Then I shall see you shortly. Take care, Mia."

Charles Xavier is at the shop in less than half an hour, and asks for a cup of tea. Depending on how Cir travels there, she may handily beat him.

It does not take long, even walking as Mia, to get to the coffee shop. She waves to some of the children in her classes. Right now, it is not very safe to use her travel powers as Superlass. She still beats the Professor, as she lives closer, but not by much.

Charles Xavier heads over to Mia, raising a hand to wave with a smile. "A pleasure to see you again, Mia. Now..perhaps you could tell me about the events leading up to your difficulty?"

Mia lowers her glasses a moment so Charles can see that her eyes are glowing blue. She says, "This started a week ago Monday, but I think the cause was something that happened shortly after I encountered the Juggernaut. After the fight with Juggernaut, Jack Hawksmoor and I were making some repairs to the building when I got struck by a ray that split me into a human and a Kryptonian, but my human part had the personality and the Kryptonian was trying to obey Brainiac's program. We got back together, with help from Claris and Star Shimmer, but before we did the Kryptonian used some powers I did not have: Flight, Microscopic Vision, and X-Ray Vision. A Week ago Monday I suddenly could not see anything less dense than a brick wall."

Charles Xavier looks surprised. "You encountered the Juggernaut over a week ago?" he asks, at least temporarily distracted from the matter at hand.

Mia says, "Me and my sister Sola, who was badly damaged in the encounter, and also Star Shimmer, Carol Danvers, the She Hulk, and Kaydin."

Charles Xavier grimaces. "I'm very sorry to hear that. What was the nature of the conflict?"

"He seemed to want to destroy something in the STAR labs building, what we never found out," Cir-El replies. She adds, "He was not much in the mood for conversation."

"I see.." Xavier sighs, but refocuses. "And after you were split into your two halves and reformed, some of your as yet untapped powers began to manifest? How is your vision more recently..?"

Cir-El considers, "Well, I have these glasses Valeria Von Doom made for me, they let me see normally and keep others from seeing my eyes glow. I can see through things tougher than brick if I concentrate, and likewise reduce my vision or turn of the x-ray thing with concentration. The microscopic part seems to work fairly well. No sign of telescopic vision though. The problem is, so far I have to concentrate to turn the x-ray vision off completely."

Charles Xavier nods. "Have you considered consulting with others from your planet? I'm afraid I have no especial expertise with Kryptonians, though if this problem is the result of a mental block from your mind being temporarily split into two separate entities, I may be able to offer some assistance. Aside from those two possibilities, I would have to suggest what I do to my students; practice.'

Mia says, "I did speak with Superboy, he finds my problem abnormal. He told me that the vision develops naturally once your energy levels are high enough. Of course, the Superboy I met in the other world did not develop super hearing or vision until he was biologically 17, according to the stories I read about him while I was there."

She adds, "He also said he always needs concentration to activate his.

Charles Xavier nods. "Then it may be more of a challenge, given your unique situation." he agrees. "Your body may have reintegrated with an unusual impression of what is normal, and need to be retrained.

Mia frowns, "Kon did suggest I take a vacation until my body learns to handle things. Oh, I also learned that my Red Star Burst appears to be part of my human heritage, I had to use it to defeat the Kryptonian so we could reintigrate."

"A vacation from fighting? Yes, that may be advisable." he nods? "Indeed..? How curious..though I suppose there's an element of sense to it, considering your background. It sounds as if you've already made some progress with your control?"

She says, "Some, I still can not control it for fancy things like looking only into someone's pocket yet...I tried that the other day to look for a pickpocket and failed completely. I think the pickpocket could teleport or something, there was someone there who just vanished from my hearing and left a plume of cigarette smoke behind."

Charles Xavier mms. There are more and more metas in the city.. and some unquestionably do turn to crime, unfortunately. "Well, room to improve is hardly anything to be ashamed of."

Cir-El notes, "Actually, I have been using my hearing as compensation, I am not quite as good in combat only using my hearing, but I can walk and even fight and avoid hitting anyone or anything I do not want to, even without seeing it, as long as I stay well subsonic."

Charles Xavier nods. "Would you like me to see if there is any mental fatigue from your unusual experience?"

Superlass decides that professionally, it may be a good idea, so she says, "Please do."

Charles Xavier nods, sipping his tea once more before he sets it down and closes his eyes. "Very well; I shall see what I can learn for you." and he steps out with his mind and into hers, trying to get a feel for the landscape, and what damages or blocks there might be as a result of her unanticipated division and reintegration.

Xavier gets a feel for this new power of hers, and how her mind is handling it..and there's a small flare of worry.
