Hero MUX Wiki
  The entrepreneurial empire of Lex Luthor, LexCorp first soared with the development of the vanguard Lex Wing aircraft. LexCorp is now Metropolis's most powerful multinational conglomerate. Publicly, the company employs two thirds of the city workforce in businesses ranging from communications to petrochemicals.

Employees: Sophia Flores
City: Metropolis
Neighborhood: New Troy - Hypersector
Owner(s): Lex Luthor

About LexCorp[]

Originally crafted as an aerospace engineering firm, LexCorp has become one of the world's largest and most diversified global reaching corporations. Under the astute and ruthless management of the illustrious founder, Lex Luthor, LexCorp grew and prospered, absorbing scores of smaller businesses on its rise to the top.

While in its original offices, LexCorp made its first acquisition of a pair of then-struggling airlines, Inter-Continental Airlines and Atlantic Coast Air Systems. Folded together into what is now known as LexAir as subsidiaries of LexCorp, the airlines began to prosper. When the rising profits were threatened by fuel shortages, LexCorp bought out Southwestern Petroleum which quickly became known as LexOil.

Soon thereafter, LexCorp moved into a high rise building whilst buying up downtown properties in preparation for the day when LexCorp would build its own corporate headquarters. LexCorp's next big move was to purchase a Metropolis television station and satellite transmission company, partnering them together under a new subsidiary called LexCom.

In time, LexCorp gained controlling interest in new fewer than tree banks and moved into major financial markets, absorbing new holdings worldwide. With these new ventures in his pocket, Lex Luthor approved the building of his 307 story throne, LexCorp Towers and since then has been ruling Metropolis on high as his business continues to thrive and expand beneath his brilliant guidance.