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Hero, Teacher, Goddess

Ororo Munroe
Marvel FC


Quote-open The elements marshal their infinite might at my beckoning! Power seethes in the rolling clouds! Now, at my command -- STRIKE! Quote-close

Ororo Munroe, aka Storm, is a member of the X-Men known for her ability to control the weather. Once worshipped as a goddess, she now teaches and strives to protect a world that hates and fears her.


Character Sheet

Abilities: Attributes

Iron Will: 8

Abilities: Power

Earth-Link: 6, Flight: 3, Lightning: 7, Magic: 2, Temperature Control: 5, Weather Control: 8, Weather Immunity

Abilities: Skill

Combatant: 6, Gardening: 5, Languages: 2, Leadership: 6, Meditation: 5, Thieving: 7

Abilities: Gear



Flaws: Claustrophobia, Distant, Distinct Appearance, Emotional Influence, Natural Limitations, Physical Limits

Languages: Arabic, English, Japanese, Russian, Shi'ar, and Swahili


Attributes: Iron Will (8)

Storm as a nearly unshakable iron will that rivals some of the oldest people she knows. Due to her need to keep herself calm due the Earth and environmental reactions she could cause, Storm has developed and evolved an immensely strong willpower as well as the knowledge of meditation to make sure everything stays perfectly in tune. As shown in her past, even in the very beginning Storm has the ability to fight off if not completely shut out telepathic attacks or attempts at contact. Unless Storm allows it or her Will is shaken, good luck probing her mind.

Gear: Totems

A gift from her now-deceased priestess back in Africa, Storm's totems are wooden carvings representative of four African tribal deities. Oya the wind goddess, Oshun the water goddess, Ogun the earth god, and Shango the fire god. These totems are not just ancient wooden carvings - they are imbued with a shard of these four deities and allows her to commune with them, mostly in her dreams. Each one serves as a focus for their patron element and Ororo can channel elemental magicks through them. They are bound to her spirit and if they are to be separated from her they will invariaby find their way back to her.

Power: Earth-Link (6)

Ororo's psionic connections with the earth and its biosphere are, to her, simply another sense, just as her touch, taste or smell. At any given time, she is aware of the state of the Earth, atmosphere and weather conditions of her surroundings for several miles. With concentration, she can extend this even further, to about a hundred-mile radius.

Power: Flight (3)

Storm uses conjured, controlled winds to propel herself through the air at supersonic speeds.

Power: Lightning (7)

Any lightning strike possible in nature is within Storm's capability of creating... and unlike Mother Nature, she is capable of focusing multiple strikes on /exactly/ the same spot or target within moments of each other.

Power: Magic (2)

Focus: Ororo must use her totems as focii for the element(s) she is tapping. If a totem is removed or damaged, she may lose access to that element.

Ororo is learning how to tap the magical potential inherent in her bloodline that dates back to the time of Atlantis. Independent of her mutation over the weather, her family has long been connected to African shamanism. Ororo has been learning from the spirits of her four totems on how to channel the elements. She is gaining practice at using each of the four elements now, and can do some basic spells from all four elements (gusts of wind, water bolts, earth tremors, fireballs), and some limited elemental mixtures (air + water = ice, for example). She continues to study wtih the spirits of the four deities in the totems and, when she can, from others.

Power: Temperature Control (5)

Storm can alter the temperature of the atmosphere to her will, though doing so in a way that poses a risk to any local ecosystem is extremely difficult for her.

Power: Weather Control (8)

Ororo's control of the weather is /almost/ absolute, albeit not always a conscious control. The winds, rain, even lightning, to her are simply extensions of herself when she chooses to wield them (and, sometimes, when she doesn't choose to). Ororo's link with the natural forces is so strong that her emotional state can affect the climate in her immediate surroundings. She is capable of summoning anything from gale force winds to thick fog to the miniature rain clouds she uses to water her plants.

Power: Weather Immunity

Storm is immune to the hazards of extreme cold and heat, as well as lightning (not fire, though she can usually put most blazes out given time if she's conscious).

Skill: Combatant (6)

Trained by Achmed Al Gibar, and later by her team mates with the X-Men. Storm is an expert hand-to-hand combatant, and quite capable of defending herself in situations where she is unable to use her powers.

Skill: Gardening (5)

Ororo could probably host a local public-access show on organic gardening were she so inclined. Her natural affinity for the Earth as well as a keen interest in botany mean that the grounds and greenhouses of Xavier's School are filled with healthy, well-cared for plants of all varieties.

Skill: Languages (2)

As well as English, Ororo speaks Arabic and Swahili.

Skill: Leadership (6)

In her years with the X-Men, Storm has gained enough experience in the "field" that, combined with a mind for tactics and a commanding presence make her a formidable team leader.

Skill: Meditation (5)

In order to prevent erratic moods for the sake of the local climate, Storm took up meditation years ago, and practices multiple forms of it to regulate her emotional responses.

Skill: Thieving (7)

The street lord Achmed el-Giblar, who adopted her after her parents died, taught her what he knew - the art of thieving. Ororo learned how to open locked doors, pick pockets, and was in general a master of stealth. She even managed to hit one of the most powerful telepaths on the planet, Professor Xavier. She always carries lockpicks on her person, preferring to open locked doors with a click and not a boom.



Flaw: Claustrophobia

Due to the trauma she experienced as a child in Cairo, Ororo is extremely claustrophobic, and no amount of therapy, even with Charles Xavier himself has ever truly been able to rid her of this disorder. Even elevators, or rooms without enough windows can put her on edge. Being truly trapped or even given the illusion of it can trigger a full-on panic attack- something that, with her powers, is not just a danger to her sense of well-being. Because of this, Storm's 'room' is actually the attic of the school, and she will still opt to sleep under the stars every so often for her own comfort.

Flaw: Distant

Because of her need to keep herself composed, some people find Ororo to be a touch emotionally distant, or even "stuck up." Her close friends know better, but first impressions can be hard to work past.

Flaw: Distinct Appearance

A statuesque, dark-skinned African woman with silver-white hair and blue eyes. She stands out. She's not necessarily an obvious mutant, and her more unusual features could be written off as hair extensions and contact lenses, but that doesn't make her any less noticeable. It also makes her identity as Storm a difficult secret to keep.

Flaw: Emotional Influence

Storm's powers are tied to her emotions in such a way that she must focus nearly at all times in order to remain composed and in control. If this self-control fails, a wave of grief could cause a downpour, anger a lightning storm- even a particularly good mood could cause some unseasonably warm weather that could potentially wreak havoc on the local fauna, altering their hibernation or migration patterns.

Flaw: Natural Limitations

Storm cannot create something out of nothing. Her control of the weather is limited to altering existing patterns. Were she to halt the progress of a hurricane, the energy from that storm would have to be directed into something else. Were she to end a drought in one area, she would have to draw upon the water in the atmosphere from the surrounding area, possibly causing a temporary dry period in another. Simply put, she manipulates weather, she does not /create/ it.

Flaw: Physical Limits

Like many other mutants, if Storm attempts to push the use of her powers beyond their usual limits for too long, she can suffer physical damage. Taking on or creating something akin to a hurricane for longer than an hour or two could very well leave her near death.



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